
We are a group of scientists LIVING THE DREAM, researching biosphere-atmosphere-human interactions and how they affect tropospheric oxidation capacity

Our main research activities are deploying gas-phase atmospheric constituent monitoring instrumentation to the field to constrain tropospheric oxidation capacity. The outcomes of these activities are expected to deepen our understanding of:

1) air pollution from secondary photochemical products such as ozone and secondary organic aerosols

2) radiative forcers such as methane, secondary aerosols, and ozone

3) how photochemical interactions between anthropogenic air pollutants and reactive constituents of biogenic origin are affecting regional oxidation capacity

We work closely with Dr. Alex Guenther.

Field deployable chemical instrumentation we currently have are


1) Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for OH/HO2+RO2/H2SO4 quantification

2) Low Pressure Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometer for OH reactivity or atmospheric radical observations

3) Cavity ring-down spectroscopy for atmospheric NO2 quantification

We stand in solidarity to Black Lives Matter and are committed to ending anti-Black racism. The full statement from the ESS Faculty and Graduate Student Leaders can be found here. As a lab, we will uphold these commitments in our research and lab culture.

If you are interested in our research and are looking to discuss about joining our group, please contact Saewung Kim at saewungk_at_uci_dot_edu